I’m very pleased to announce the release of A Soul to Steal for audiobook, narrated by actor Brian J. Gill. If you want to know what Quinn, Kate, Janus and Lord Halloween sound like, you need to check this out. Brian delivers a bravura performance that – especially when Lord Halloween spoke – gave even me the creeps (in a good way).
Here’s the best part: If you aren’t currently an Audible member, you can get the audiobook for free. Just follow these simple steps:
- Click here to find the A Soul to Steal Audible page and click the big FREE button next to the audiobook. After signing in with your Amazon ID, you will receive a 30-day risk-free trial to Audible, which includes the purchase of A Soul to Steal! (Note: If A Soul to Steal is the first audiobook you purchase, Brian and I receive a bonus, but only if you stay a member for at least 61 days.)
- Listen to the book and review it here. We’d really appreciate your review!
- If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged, but you will keep the audiobook, which can be accessed on your Kindle Fire, tablet or smart phone (including iPhones and iPads). You may want to stick around, however. Band of Demons is coming to audiobook very soon and it sounds fantastic.
That’s it! If you want to check out the audiobook for A Soul to Steal for free, this is your chance. No fuss, no muss, and it’s easy to cancel if you decide not to continue as an Audible member (and still keep the audiobook forever). I hope you’ll take advantage of this great opportunity.
If you already are an Audible member, I hope you’ll buy A Soul to Steal.
What are you waiting for? Click here to download it now!
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