To help usher in the new year, I’m happy to announce that The Forest of Forever has a brand new cover!

I’m a bit nervous about showing it to you, since I loved the previous cover. But after feedback over the past year and a half since its release, I’ve been told time and again that the cover didn’t have the same “look” as other novels in the urban fantasy genre.

Over time, I started to wonder if the cover was preventing readers who might be exactly the type to enjoy it from ever noticing it in the first place. So a few months ago, I ordered a new cover from a different designer.

This is an experiment. If this cover performs better, you’ll see all new covers for the Soren Chase novels. If it doesn’t make a difference or sales plummet, you may see the old cover back. But one of the exciting things about publishing these days is that you can try new things, and Kindle Press has been kind enough to let me attempt this.

You can see the new cover below. Let me know what you think! I know some of you may have an attachment to the old cover—I certainly do—but I hope you’ll like this one.

I’ll be back with more news VERY soon about the next book in the Soren Chase series! Until then, I hope you have a happy New Year!


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